"Grossesco Crimine". The rising force of evil "Grossesco Crimine".

Published: 30 September 2019
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The expression Grossesco Crimine, making the Latin verb grossescere its own, literally means "Accresco nel Crimine" (Growing in Crime) and wants to suggest that concept of brutality of man who, if dominated by criminal inclinations, often grotesque and vulgar, sees that evil instinct increase, almost animal-like, that feeds its own instincts in a foolish way. We are therefore confronted with the theme of evil, too often, for convenience, manipulated. But always and in any case opposed to the concept of good. And if evil is a sad prerogative of man, good represents its essence, hope and desire: and to discuss evil one must inevitably speak of the sense of pleasure, understood not only as physical pleasure, but also psychological and mental. Pleasure is what nourishes the desire of man and his instinctive impulses; it is something that one ardently wants to replicate and increase. Where limiting (or subtracting) the experiences that determine pleasure in one's life causes pain and flows into the abstraction of the concept of evil




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Davide La Rocca, Science in Criminology, Investigative and Security Sciences, Unitelma Sapienza University, Rome

Doctor of Law and Administration and Security Sciences

How to Cite

La Rocca, D. (2019). "Grossesco Crimine". The rising force of evil "Grossesco Crimine". Rivista Di Psicopatologia Forense, Medicina Legale, Criminologia, 24(1-2). https://doi.org/10.4081/psyco.2019.44