Restorative justice and criminal mediation in the new criminal process and the figure of the criminal mediator

Published: 29 December 2021
Abstract Views: 356
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The criminal trial is too often a labyrinth full of obstacles for the crime victim who, due to scarce economic and human resources, takes too long to restore the balance disturbed by the commission of the crime. The criminal trial is currently unable even to protect victims from the repetition of the crime. A new institution is on the horizon, with the delegation law of 27 September 2021 n. 134 the systematic introduction of Restorative Justice and Criminal Mediation is envisaged. The preparation and training of the criminal mediator will be fundamental, a multifaceted figure who must know not only the rules of law but also the sociological and psychological sciences - criminalistic for the treatment of the offender and the victim. The first fundamental lesson lies in knowing the fundamental principles of non-verbal communication to then be able to start active listening with the parts of the mediation.



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How to Cite

Agnese, A. (2021). Restorative justice and criminal mediation in the new criminal process and the figure of the criminal mediator. Rivista Di Psicopatologia Forense, Medicina Legale, Criminologia, 26(1-2-3).