The monster of Udine

Published: 29 December 2021
Abstract Views: 840
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In this paper, I have examined a still unsolved case that involved the small town of Udine between 1971 and 1989. Forteen the crimes committed by the Monster of Udine as he has been defined, whose identity remains unknown even today. Attention will be focused on the victims of the murders, characteristics in common and not, of the different crime scenes, the discovery of the objects and on the "signature" left on the various bodies. Subsequently, the focus will be on the different criminological profiles of serial killers, starting with the official classification of the FBI, and then inserting the one updated by professors V. Mastronardi and G. Palermo. Since this is still an unsolved case and therefore without a culprit, we will proceed according to an exclusion process, starting from the observation also of the "modus operandi" used and then analyzing the behavior that the offender has put in place, up to trying to draw a profile. In the last chapter, moreover, the elaboration will highlight the most recent aspect of the story, relating to the last reopening of the investigations, which took place in 2019, thanks to the discovery of new material, including the various interviews made to those who contributed to the case of the Monster of Udine.



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How to Cite

Pontoni, L. . (2021). The monster of Udine. Rivista Di Psicopatologia Forense, Medicina Legale, Criminologia, 26(1-2-3).