Mass media: vehicle of violence?

Published: 21 December 2020
Abstract Views: 286
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Violence represents a topic that cannot be considered as a taboo and, since the beginning, it has been a crucial factor in any social context. In fact, violence can be shown, reproduced and conveyed throughout different means, which, nowadays, are even more capable to innervate the community to which they"re directed. In this context, mass media, and in particular movies and TV series, constitute potentials "violence vehicles", abstractly suitable to influence even the decision of an individual to commit a crime. Therefore, the present paper aims to observe if and how the mentioned means of communication could affect the action choices of their recipients.



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How to Cite

Calderaro, M., & Romani, B. (2020). Mass media: vehicle of violence?. Rivista Di Psicopatologia Forense, Medicina Legale, Criminologia, 25(1-2-3).