Evolution of the criminological profile of the Islamic terrorist. The European response for the prevention of the new jihadist criminal

Published: 21 December 2020
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The threat of the new century brings the face of men and women, driven to subversion by an extreme idea, because of misinterpretation. They are an army fighting an asymmetrical conflict at while international relations have changed. Jihad, which is why Al Qaeda has shed blood for years, has now evolved, adapting itself to society, instrumentalizing the religious concept, the cornerstone of Islamist values. But who is the criminal you are looking for? How does he move? And how recognize him? These questions have been answered by analyzing the jihadist profiles, already available and the events of the last few years in order to have medium-long term projections. Fulcrum of the evolution of the jihadist soldier is the birth of the Isis and the media propaganda. The greatest attention is paid to the younger ones, as they are more influential on virtual platforms and migration flows. Europe recognizes the risk of radicalization on its territory, already victim of numerous attacks, and although it does not yet have a common governance of action against this threat, it has adopted prevention plans consisting of integration, information, re-education and democracy. From Italy comes the scientific study, operating on three levels, which suggests the method of action for an effective prevention. The objective is to make more fluent cooperation between criminology and counteraction by the combination of the elements of this paper.



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How to Cite

Campioni, M., & Mastronardi, V. M. (2020). Evolution of the criminological profile of the Islamic terrorist. The European response for the prevention of the new jihadist criminal. Rivista Di Psicopatologia Forense, Medicina Legale, Criminologia, 25(1-2-3). https://doi.org/10.4081/psyco.2020.543