On the subject of serial killer. Psychological assessment from the handwriting

Published: 21 December 2020
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From research conducted since 2010, at the Chair of Forensic Psychopathology directed by prof. Vincenzo Mastronardi of the Sapienza University of Rome and in the context of the teaching of Psychography at the Masters in Criminology and in more scientific fields, the attention focus was addressed, on the research related to the psychographological examination on the subject of Serial Killer (subject of this article ), Sex Offenders, Stalker, Classic Mass Murder, Family Mass Murder, Mothers Figlicide and other criminal phenomenologies with the intent to highlight where existing, characteristics and graphological indices, similar to the various subjects responsible for the same type of crime and therefore possible 'patterns graphological 'to be highlighted as a symptomatic graphic imprint of a certain' behavioral model '. Proceeding with the graphological comparison, albeit between different personality structures, some peculiarities were found such as, for example, the signs that lead to the aggressiveness, a typical distinctive trait among others, of the Serial Assassins, including certain deficits in the affective-sexual area.
Interesting what emerged from the aforementioned study. 
Considering that Psychography is an effective indicator of the personality structure, therefore representing an excellent tool for revealing the deepest dynamics of the individual both at an intrapsychic and interpersonal level, (without any diagnostic hypothesis), writing can be considered as indicated above, an imprint graphics of the "individual psychism" and the percentage of certainty is about 80%, where, however, there is no possibility of simulating or dissimulating, for a series of specific factors. Research in the field of Serial Killers has already oriented towards the tangible manifestation of aggressive instances, significant problems in the affective-sexual sphere, as well as a particularly accentuated narcissistic trait. Serial killings are personal in nature and the application of behavioral analysis by means of the psychographological reading key directs us to understand the deeper dynamics that triggered in the subject, thus also answering some famous questions of criminology such as, for example, why and what led him to commit such crimes.



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How to Cite

Calderaro, M. (2020). On the subject of serial killer. Psychological assessment from the handwriting . Rivista Di Psicopatologia Forense, Medicina Legale, Criminologia, 25(1-2-3). https://doi.org/10.4081/psyco.2020.321