Diagnosis, risk factors, evolutionary trajectories and treatment of disruptive behavior disorders: Coping Power Program"s diffusion in Italy

Published: 6 June 2018
Abstract Views: 732
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Knowing and diagnosing carefully a Disruptive Behavior Disorder, analyzing the clinic consistency of the subtypes DC and CU as well as the etiological, neurocognitive and neurobiological specificities, will allow the clinician to perform a much more precocious diagnosis. The comprension of the factors that are associated with aggressiveness and disruptive behaviors contributed to the development of interventions in order to prevent and reduce the impact of these disorders, which can evolve into juvenile delinquency or antisocial personality disorders, if not treated. This article, after an exposition of the new DBD criteria in the DSM V and an analysis of the risk factors for aggressive children, will outline the researches on this topic, and will describe the intervention protocol named Coping Power Program (CPP), as well as listing some researches, including the italian ones, that confirmed the effectiveness of this protocol.



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How to Cite

Pirri, G. (2018). Diagnosis, risk factors, evolutionary trajectories and treatment of disruptive behavior disorders: Coping Power Program"s diffusion in Italy. Rivista Di Psicopatologia Forense, Medicina Legale, Criminologia, 23(1), 16–28. https://doi.org/10.4081/psyco.2018.23